The Association of Translators and Interpreters of Slovenia is a professional organization that promotes the interests of its members. The majority are professional linguists, many are accredited court interpreters, and some are members of other professions who also work as translators/interpreters. Our members are very knowledgeable about different cultural backgrounds, work in numerous areas of specialization, and cover several combinations of languages. They are regulated by the Translator's Code of Ethics, which is based on the FIT Translator's Charter, and if accredited as court interpreters, also by the Code of Ethics which is based on EULITA's Code of Ethics.
The aims of the Association are to raise standards within the profession and foster good relations between its members and the users of their services. It also provides a forum for the provision of mutual support and advice to its members regarding matters relating to their profession.
The Association operates in accordance with its Articles of Association, and is managed by a nine-member Executive Committee.
In order to advance the translation and interpreting profession, the Association focuses on:
Promotion of the status and standards of the profession
To achieve this aim, the Association works together with different stakeholders, and maintains lines of communication with legislators and policymakers at government ministries. Furthermore, it keeps in touch with professional associations abroad to learn of situations elsewhere, and to contribute to the dialogue about the profession at the international level.
Continuous Professional Development Programme
In order to help members and non-members maintain their language skills and deepen the knowledge of their specialist fields, the Association organizes different seminars as part of its general Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Programme, which is complemented by a specialized CPD programme designed for court interpreters.
The Association supports and encourages its members to research terminology, and publishes glossaries and dictionaries for different fields and language combinations.
Disseminating Information
Information is disseminated to members and the general public via our web page and through other communication channels.
If you would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Court Interpreter Section
The Court Interpreter Section was established within the Association of Translators and Interpreters of Slovenia as a unit representing the interests of court interpreters who work in legal settings in Slovenia. Members of the Section are members of the Association who are accredited court interpreters and have accepted the Section's Code of Ethics. The mission of the Section is to bring together court interpreters and other legal translators and interpreters in the Association and at large, and to assist them in their professional growth through a CPD programme tailored to suit their needs.
The Section operates in accordance with the Articles of Association of its parent organization and its own Rules of Procedure that define the goals, duties and procedures of its operations. At the founding General Meeting of the Association, a five-member Court Interpreter Section Committee was elected, and the Work Programme and Code of Ethics of the Section adopted.
An additional impetus for the establishment of the Section were the requirements of the Directive 2010/64/EU on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings, which is binding upon each EU member state to put in place a system providing high-quality interpretation and translation services, in order to safeguard the fairness of judicial, administrative and other proceedings. The Section responded to the new legislative framework, which requires court interpreters to renew their accreditation every five years by:
- organising a CPD programme designed together with universities, users of court interpreters services such as judges, prosecutors, attorneys-at-law, notaries public etc. High-quality seminars, and a policy of keeping prices low, mean that participants come from all over Slovenia;
- focusing on terminology by publishing dictionaries and other reference literature;
- through official dialogues with regulators, legislators, the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Justice, and other government ministries. The aim is mainly to take part in drafting new legislation governing the work and status of court interpreters, and in discussions on pending issues related to the implementation of the Rules on Court Interpreters.
- liaising with other professional associations across Europe in order to contribute to international dialogues about the profession, as well as actively comparing and determining the best practices in the field. The Section is proud to be a full member of EULITA.